
Exploring Object Copy Techniques in Python

8 min read
a blue snake with the words “Deep and Shallow Copies of Objects in Python” on it

In the dynamic realm of Python programming, understanding the subtleties of object copying is crucial. This comprehensive guide illuminates the contrasts between deep and shallow copies, especially in the context of mutable data types. 

By dissecting these concepts, we aim to equip you with the knowledge to manipulate data efficiently, particularly when dealing with custom classes.

Deep and Shallow Copies of Objects

Copying objects in Python might seem straightforward, but it harbors complexities that could significantly affect your program’s behavior and efficiency. This process can be executed in two primary ways: duplicating the data entirely or merely storing references to the original objects, which is less memory-intensive. This article aims to dissect the distinct differences between deep and shallow copies, particularly when dealing with Python’s custom classes.

To fully grasp these concepts, it’s essential to understand mutable data types. A quick refresher: consider copying a list in Python:

a = [1, 2, 3]
b = a
print(b)  # Output: [1, 2, 3]
a[0] = 0
print(b)  # Output: [0, 2, 3]

Here, modifying an element in a also reflects in b. To avoid this, one can create independent objects:

a = [1, 2, 3]
b = list(a)
a[0] = 0
print(b)  # Output: [1, 2, 3]

After this alteration, a and b are separate entities, as confirmed by their unique IDs. However, the intricacy deepens with nested lists:

a = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
b = list(a)

Despite a and b having different IDs, a change in a affects b:

a.append([7, 8, 9])
print(b)  # Output: [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]

a[0][0] = 0
print(b)  # Output: [[0, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]

This occurrence introduces us to the concept of deep and shallow copies. A shallow copy, as executed with list(a), generates a new outer list but retains references to the inner lists. This phenomenon also applies to dictionaries:

Shallow copy of a list: b = a[:]
Shallow copy of a dictionary:
new_dict = my_dict.copy()
other_option = dict(my_dict)

For a deep copy, which replicates every level of the object, including references, one must employ the copy module:

import copy
b = copy.copy(a)  # Shallow copy
c = copy.deepcopy(a)  # Deep copy
Copies of Custom Classes

Custom classes add another layer of complexity. Consider a class MyClass with mutable attributes:

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

my_class = MyClass([1, 2], [3, 4])
my_new_class = my_class

Assigning my_class to my_new_class creates two references to the same object. Changes in my_class’s mutable attribute reflect in my_new_class. The copy module can mitigate this:

import copy
my_new_class = copy.copy(my_class)

With this approach, my_class and my_new_class have distinct IDs, but their mutable attributes still reference the same objects. Using deepcopy resolves this, replicating every attribute.

Custom Shallow and Deep Copies of Objects

Python’s flexibility allows customization of shallow and deep copy behaviors via overriding __copy__ and __deepcopy__ methods. For instance, one might require a copy of a class with all references but one to be independent. This can be achieved as follows:

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.other = [1, 2, 3]

    def __copy__(self):
        new_instance = MyClass(self.x, self.y)
        new_instance.other = copy.deepcopy(self.other)
        return new_instance

Here, __copy__ handles the shallow copy, while other is deeply copied to ensure its independence. This method demonstrates Python’s capability to tailor object copying processes to specific requirements.

Implementing Customized Deep Copy in Python

In the intricate world of object-oriented programming, particularly within the Python landscape, the concept of customizing deep copy operations is a critical skill. This section delves into the specifics of implementing such customizations, particularly for classes that contain complex structures or self-references.

Let’s reconsider our previous MyClass example to understand the outcome of using a custom deep copy method:

import copy

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.other = [1, 2, 3]

    def __deepcopy__(self, memodict={}):
        new_instance = MyClass(self.x, self.y)
        new_instance.x = copy.deepcopy(self.x, memodict)
        new_instance.y = copy.deepcopy(self.y, memodict)
        return new_instance

my_class = MyClass([1, 2], [3, 4])
my_new_class = copy.deepcopy(my_class)

my_class.x[0] = 0
my_class.y[0] = 0
my_class.other[0] = 0
print(my_new_class.x)  # Output: [1, 2]
print(my_new_class.y)  # Output: [3, 4]
print(my_new_class.other)  # Output: [0, 2, 3]

The results demonstrate the uniqueness of the x and y attributes in my_new_class, which remain unaffected by changes in my_class. However, the other attribute reflects the changes, illustrating a hybrid approach where some components are deeply copied, while others are not.

Understanding the ‘dict’ Attribute

Exploring the __dict__ attribute is vital for a deeper understanding of Python’s object model. In Python, an object’s attributes can be viewed as a dictionary, where keys are attribute names, and values are their corresponding values. This structure provides a flexible way to interact with an object’s attributes.

Consider the following interaction with __dict__:

print(my_class.__dict__)  # Output: {'x': [0, 2], 'y': [0, 4], 'other': [0, 2, 3]}

my_class.__dict__['x'] = [1, 1]
print(my_class.x)  # Output: [1, 1]

This example illustrates how the __dict__ attribute offers a direct path to modify or inspect an object’s attributes. It serves as a powerful tool for understanding and manipulating object state in Python.

Customizing Deep Copy: Handling Recursion and Efficiency

When customizing the deep copy process, special attention must be paid to handling potential recursion and ensuring efficiency. The __deepcopy__ method in Python provides the mechanism to handle such complexities. Here, memodict plays a crucial role in preventing infinite recursion and redundant copying of objects.

The memodict argument keeps track of objects already copied, thus preventing infinite loops that could occur if an object references itself. By explicitly managing what gets deeply copied, programmers can craft a more efficient and tailored deep copy process, suited to the specific needs of their classes.

In the case of our MyClass example, the __deepcopy__ method is designed to deeply copy x and y, while leaving other as a shared reference. This approach results in a customized deep copy behavior, demonstrating Python’s flexibility in managing object copying processes.

Understanding the Need for Custom Copy Methods

Delving into the mechanics of object copying in Python uncovers a multitude of scenarios where defining custom behaviors for deep and shallow copies is not just beneficial but necessary. Here are some instances where such customizations are essential:

Preserving Caches in Deep Copies:

  • Speed Optimization: If a class maintains a cache to expedite certain operations, preserving this cache across different object instances using deep copies can significantly enhance performance;
  • Memory Management: In cases where the cache is sizeable, replicating it across multiple objects could lead to excessive memory consumption. Custom deep copy methods can prevent this by ensuring that the cache is shared rather than duplicated.

Selective Sharing in Shallow Copies:

  • Managing Device Communication: Consider an object that interfaces with a hardware device. Shallow copying can ensure that each object instance communicates independently, avoiding conflicts from simultaneous access;
  • Protecting Private Attributes: Custom shallow copy methods can be used to safeguard private attributes from being indiscriminately copied, maintaining the integrity and security of the data.

Understanding Mutable and Immutable Objects

A critical aspect of Python programming is distinguishing between mutable and immutable objects, as well as understanding the concept of hashable objects. This understanding fundamentally affects how object copying behaves:

  • Immutable Data Types: For immutable types like integers or strings, the entire discussion of deep and shallow copying becomes moot. Modifying an immutable attribute in a class does not impact its counterpart in a deep-copied object;
  • Mutable Objects: The idea of preserving attributes between objects applies only to mutable types. If data sharing is a desired feature, programmers need to strategize around mutable types or find alternative solutions;
  • Multiprocessing Caution: For those engaged in multiprocessing, it’s vital to recognize that sharing mutable objects across different processes is a complex endeavor and should be approached with caution.

Additional Considerations and Best Practices

When working with object copying in Python, here are additional points and best practices to consider:

  • Deep Copy Overhead: Be aware of the potential performance overhead when using deep copies, especially for objects with extensive nested structures;
  • Circular References: Handle circular references carefully in custom deep copy implementations to avoid infinite recursion;
  • Memory Efficiency: In scenarios with large data structures, evaluate the necessity of deep copies versus the benefits of sharing data to optimize memory usage.

Exploring Advanced Copy Techniques

Beyond the basics, there are advanced techniques and concepts in Python object copying that warrant attention:

  • Using __slots__ for Memory Efficiency: Implementing __slots__ in custom classes can optimize memory usage, particularly in shallow copying scenarios;
  • Leveraging weakref for Reference Management: The weakref module provides tools for creating weak references to objects, which can be a valuable asset in complex copying scenarios.

In Python, advanced object copying techniques often involve selective attribute copying, where specific attributes of a custom object are replicated while others remain unchanged. This approach is particularly useful in multi-threaded environments where data consistency across threads is crucial. For an in-depth exploration of how data can be effectively shared between threads in such contexts, our article delves into strategies and best practices for thread-safe data sharing.


Throughout this article, we’ve navigated the intricate landscape of object copying in Python. Starting from basic concepts, we’ve explored the nuances of deep and shallow copies, their application in custom classes, and the importance of understanding mutable and immutable types.

In the context of multithreading, we discussed the challenges and solutions for data sharing between threads, highlighting the efficiency of shared memory and the utilization of queues for safe communication. We also touched upon the use of threads for various I/O tasks, setting the stage for more advanced discussions in subsequent articles.

This comprehensive exploration provides a solid foundation for Python developers to effectively manage object copying, ensuring efficient, secure, and optimized code. Whether dealing with simple data structures or complex custom classes, the insights and techniques discussed here are invaluable for anyone looking to master Python’s capabilities in data handling and object manipulation.