
Controlling National Instruments Cards Using Python

11 min read
Techy-themed 'Python' word lettering

Python, a powerful and versatile programming language, has become a go-to solution for various engineering and scientific applications. One of its remarkable applications includes controlling National Instruments (NI) cards. NI cards are widely used in data acquisition, instrument control, and industrial automation. By leveraging Python, professionals can effectively communicate with these cards, leading to enhanced performance and streamlined processes. This article explores the techniques and best practices for controlling a National Instruments card with Python.

Why Python for NI Cards?

Python’s simplicity and its extensive libraries make it an ideal choice for interfacing with National Instruments cards. Python’s syntax is intuitive, and its ability to interact seamlessly with external hardware like NI cards is impressive. This compatibility is crucial for applications in data acquisition, testing, and measurement environments.

Key benefits: 

Ease of Use

Python’s straightforward syntax and readability make it an excellent choice for beginners and experienced programmers alike. When working with NI cards, ease of use is crucial, as it simplifies the process of controlling and acquiring data from these cards. Here’s how Python’s simplicity benefits NI card users:

Intuitive SyntaxPython’s syntax is highly readable and resembles plain English, making it easy to understand and write code for NI card control.
Rapid DevelopmentPython’s concise code structure allows for quicker development and troubleshooting of applications involving NI cards.
Abundant DocumentationPython boasts extensive documentation and a wealth of online resources, making it accessible for those new to NI card interfacing.


Python is platform-independent, meaning it can run on various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. This cross-platform compatibility is a significant advantage when it comes to NI cards, as it ensures that your code can be seamlessly deployed across different environments. Here’s how Python’s flexibility benefits NI card users:

Cross-Platform CompatibilityPython’s ability to work on multiple operating systems allows for consistent NI card control across different setups.
Integration with Other ToolsPython can be easily integrated with other software and hardware components, enhancing its utility for complex NI card applications.
ScalabilityPython is suitable for both small-scale and large-scale projects, accommodating the growth and evolving requirements of NI card-based systems.

Community Support

Python boasts a vibrant and active community of developers and enthusiasts. This community support is invaluable when you encounter challenges or have questions related to controlling NI cards with Python. Here’s how Python’s strong community support benefits NI card users:

Online Forums and CommunitiesPython users have access to numerous forums, mailing lists, and online communities where they can seek assistance and share knowledge regarding NI card integration.
Extensive LibrariesPython has a vast ecosystem of libraries and packages that are continually developed and updated by the community, offering ready-made solutions for NI card tasks.
Open-Source ResourcesMany Python packages for NI card control are open source, allowing users to contribute, modify, and adapt them to their specific needs.

Setting Up the Environment

Man coding

To start controlling a National Instruments card with Python, one must set up a proper environment. This includes installing necessary drivers and Python packages.

NI-DAQmx Drivers

The NI-DAQmx drivers are essential software components that enable your NI card to communicate with your computer. They provide the interface required for Python to interact with NI hardware.

Installation Procedure:

  1. Visit the National Instruments website ( or their official support page;
  2. Download the NI-DAQmx drivers compatible with your NI card model and your operating system;
  3. Follow the installation instructions provided to complete the setup.


Python is the programming language you’ll be using to control your NI card. Ensure that you have Python installed on your system, preferably the latest version, to take advantage of the newest features and improvements.

Installation Procedure:

  1. Visit the official Python website (;
  2. Navigate to the downloads section;
  3. Choose the appropriate Python version for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux);
  4. Download the installer and run it;
  5. During installation, make sure to check the box that adds Python to your system’s PATH environment variable. This step is crucial for easy access to Python from the command line.

NI Python Libraries (e.g., nidaqmx)

NI provides Python libraries like nidaqmx that offer Pythonic interfaces to control and interact with NI hardware. These libraries simplify the process of communicating with your NI card through Python scripts.

Installation Procedure:

  1. Open your command-line interface (e.g., Command Prompt on Windows or Terminal on macOS/Linux);
  2. Use pip, the Python package manager, to install the required NI Python libraries. For example, to install nidaqmx, run the following command:
pip install nidaqmx
  1. This command will download and install the nidaqmx package along with its dependencies.

Basic Operations

Controlling a National Instruments (NI) card with Python involves several fundamental operations. In this guide, we will explore these operations in detail to help you work effectively with NI hardware for data acquisition and control.

Initialization of the Card

Before you can start working with a National Instruments card, you must initialize it. Initializing the card sets up the communication and configuration parameters for the device. The Python library used for this purpose is nidaqmx. Below is the code snippet for initializing the card:

import nidaqmx
system = nidaqmx.system.System.local()

In this code, we first import the nidaqmx library, which is essential for interacting with NI hardware. Then, we create a system object representing the local NI system. This object allows you to manage and control the NI devices connected to your system.

Setting Up Channels

After initializing the card, you need to set up channels to specify the data sources or destinations. Channels define the inputs or outputs through which you will interact with your NI card. For analog input, you can use the following code as an example:

with nidaqmx.Task() as task:

In this code snippet:

  • We create a task object that represents a data acquisition task;
  • We use the add_ai_voltage_chan method to add an analog input channel to the task. “Dev1/ai0” specifies the physical channel you want to use. You may need to adjust this value according to your specific hardware configuration.

Reading and Writing Data

Once you have set up the necessary channels, you can perform data acquisition by reading data from the card or writing data to it. Below are examples of how to read and write data using Python and the nidaqmx library.

To read data from the NI card, use the following code snippet as an example:

with nidaqmx.Task() as task:
data =

In this code:

  • We create a new task object to handle the data acquisition process;
  • The method is used to read data from the configured channels. You can specify the number of samples per channel you want to read, which is set to 5 in this example.

To write data to the NI card, use the following code snippet as an example:

with nidaqmx.Task() as task:
task.write([1.23, 2.34, 3.45], auto_start=True)

Here’s what’s happening:

  • We create a task object to manage the data output process;
  • The task.write method is used to send data to the configured channels. In this example, we send a list of values [1.23, 2.34, 3.45] to the card.

Advanced Features

Man working on a computer

Controlling National Instruments (NI) cards with Python offers not only basic functionality but also the capability to harness advanced features such as triggering, timing, and synchronization. These features enable you to perform more complex and precise data acquisition and control operations. Let’s explore these advanced features in detail.


Triggering is a crucial feature when you need to start a data acquisition or generation task based on specific conditions or events. It ensures that data collection or output begins precisely when required, allowing for synchronized and accurate measurements.

Triggering can be categorized into various types, including:

  • Digital Edge Triggering: This type of trigger initiates a task based on the transition of a digital signal, such as a rising or falling edge;
  • Analog Edge Triggering: Analog edge triggering starts a task when an analog signal crosses a specified threshold;
  • Software Triggering: Software triggering allows you to trigger tasks programmatically based on software-defined conditions.

Here’s an example of how to set up a digital edge trigger using the nidaqmx library:

import nidaqmx

# Create a task for digital edge triggering
with nidaqmx.Task() as task:
task.di_channels.add_di_chan(“Dev1/port0/line0”, line_grouping=nidaqmx.constants.LineGrouping.CHAN_PER_LINE)

# Configure the digital edge trigger
task.triggers.start_trigger.cfg_dig_edge_start_trig(“PFI0”, trigger_edge=nidaqmx.constants.Edge.RISING)

# Start the task when the trigger condition is met

In this code snippet, we:

  • Create a task for digital input;
  • Configure a digital edge trigger on a specific line (“Dev1/port0/line0”) that starts the task when a rising edge is detected on the PFI0 (Programmable Function Interface 0) line.


Timing is essential for controlling the rate of data acquisition or generation. Precise timing ensures that data points are sampled or generated at specific intervals, maintaining data integrity and synchronization with other devices or processes.

When working with timing in NI cards, you should consider the following parameters:

  • Sampling Rate: Specifies how frequently data is sampled or generated in samples per second (Hz);
  • Sample Clock Source: Determines the source of the sample clock, which can be an internal clock, an external signal, or another device’s clock;
  • Sample Clock Edge: Defines the clock edge (rising or falling) used to trigger data acquisition or generation.

Here’s an example of how to configure timing for data acquisition:

import nidaqmx

# Create a task for analog input
with nidaqmx.Task() as task:

# Configure the timing parameters
task.timing.cfg_samp_clk_timing(rate=1000, sample_mode=nidaqmx.constants.AcquisitionType.CONTINUOUS)

# Start the task to acquire data

# Read data continuously
data =

In this code snippet, we:

  • Create a task for analog input;
  • Configure the sampling rate to 1000 samples per second;
  • Set the sample mode to continuous, meaning the card will continuously acquire data at the specified rate.


Synchronization is crucial when multiple tasks or devices need to work together seamlessly. It ensures that data acquisition and control operations occur in harmony, preventing data inconsistencies and timing issues.

Synchronization can be achieved through various methods, including:

  • Master/Slave Configuration: One device acts as the master, controlling the timing and triggering of other devices (slaves);
  • External Clocking: Devices are synchronized using an external clock signal, ensuring they operate at the same rate;
  • Hardware Triggering: Devices trigger each other using hardware-level signals.

Here’s an example of how to synchronize two tasks using master/slave configuration:

import nidaqmx

# Create a master task for timing
with nidaqmx.Task() as master_task:

# Start the master task

# Create a slave task for analog input
with nidaqmx.Task() as slave_task:

# Configure the slave task to be triggered by the master
slave_task.triggers.start_trigger.cfg_dig_edge_start_trig(“ai/StartTrigger”, trigger_edge=nidaqmx.constants.Edge.RISING)

# Start the slave task

In this code snippet, we:

  • Create a master task for analog output, which generates a voltage signal;
  • Configure the sampling rate for the master task;
  • Create a slave task for analog input, which acquires data;
  • Configure the slave task to start when a rising edge trigger signal is detected from the master task.


The application of controlling National Instruments cards with Python is vast. It spans across various fields such as:

  • Research and Development: For experiments and data analysis;
  • Industrial Automation: In controlling and monitoring industrial processes;
  • Quality Assurance: In product testing and verification.

Best Practices

When controlling National Instruments cards with Python, adhere to the following best practices:

  • Error Handling: Implement robust error handling to manage exceptions;
  • Code Optimization: Write efficient code for faster execution;
  • Regular Updates: Keep Python and NI libraries up to date.


Controlling National Instruments cards with Python is a powerful combination for professionals in various fields. The ease of use, flexibility, and strong community support for Python make it an excellent choice for interfacing with NI cards. Whether it’s for simple data logging or complex industrial automation, Python provides an effective and efficient platform for controlling NI cards.

This approach not only simplifies processes but also opens up new possibilities in the realms of data acquisition and instrument control. As technology evolves, the synergy between Python and NI cards will continue to grow, offering even more advanced solutions for engineering and scientific challenges.


Can I control multiple NI cards simultaneously with Python?

Yes, Python allows the control of multiple NI cards by creating multiple tasks or channels.

How do I ensure real-time data acquisition with Python?

Optimize your Python code and use appropriate timing and synchronization features provided by NI libraries.

Is Python suitable for large-scale industrial applications?

Absolutely, Python’s scalability makes it suitable for both small-scale and large-scale industrial applications.