
Flask Jinja: Dynamic Web Pages

7 min read
Flask Jinja2 example

The evolution of web development from the archaic days of HTML tables and <marquee> tags to the current era of dynamic, reusable templates signifies a transformative journey. Flask, a Python micro-framework, brings forth Jinja2, an HTML templating engine, to redefine the creation of web pages.

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricate workings of Jinja within Flask, exploring its prowess in generating layouts, pages, and partials. Unravel the art of crafting dynamic web pages with finesse, leveraging the power of Flask and Jinja’s templating magic.

Layouts, Pages, and Partials

The core building blocks of a web application manifest in three distinct HTML elements:

  • Layout: The backbone of web apps, providing a consistent structure shared across multiple pages. It could range from repetitive <head> sections to defining standardized content layouts. A well-designed app typically requires minimal unique layouts;
  • Page: The essence of templating, crafting individualized sections of a site with different data. Even with a myriad of posts, each post adheres to a single post template, facilitating diverse content replication;
  • Partial: Standalone snippets designed for sharing across multiple pages. 

Navigation elements, widgets, or any reusable components fall into this category, enhancing site consistency.

Setting the Stage for Action

To exemplify these concepts, we’ll construct a miniature Flask application harnessing Jinja templates. Our app will showcase one template of each type: layout.html, home.html, and nav.html. These templates reside within the /templates folder, shaping the structure of our Flask app:


/flask-jinja-tutorial ├── /flask_jinja_tutorial │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── /static │ └── /templates │ ├── home.html │ ├── layout.html │ └── navigation.html └──

Initializing Routes and Templates

Templates alone serve no purpose without a functional app. Beginning with the creation of a Flask app object in, we establish a route in to define a fundamental homepage:


"""Route declaration.""" from flask import current_app as app from flask import render_template @app.route('/') def home(): """Landing page.""" return render_template( 'home.html', title="Jinja Demo Site", description="Smarter page templates with Flask & Jinja." )

In the above snippet, the route home() directs users to the home.html template upon accessing our Flask app. Additionally, by utilizing render_template(), we pass two keyword arguments: title and description, which we’ll witness in action shortly.

This lays the groundwork for establishing the fundamental components of a Flask application, emphasizing the usage of Jinja templates for creating a dynamic web experience.

Rendering a Template

In the realm of Jinja templates, the concept of template inheritance brings forth a seamless method to reuse code and establish structured layouts. Let’s dive into the mechanics through the lens of our example templates, home.html and layout.html.

In home.html, the {% extends ‘layout.html’ %} directive initiates a crucial relationship. This signals that home.html will utilize the structure defined in layout.html. The {% block content %} section specifies where the content unique to home.html will reside within layout.html.

Moving to layout.html, this template acts as a foundational structure shared across various pages. The {% block content %} declaration creates a designated space for specific content to be inserted, precisely where the content from home.html will seamlessly integrate.

Introducing Multiple Blocks for Enhanced Flexibility

Now, let’s introduce an intriguing twist. In home.html, we expand the template by incorporating additional blocks: one for injecting CSS styles into the <head> section and another for page content.

Upon rendering this modified home.html within layout.html, Jinja adeptly matches and embeds the “CSS” and “content” blocks into their respective counterparts within layout.html. This flexibility enables dynamic style inclusion without compromising the overall structure.

Harnessing Dynamic Data with Jinja Variables

The magic of Jinja variables, such as {{title}} and {{description}}, unfolds as they represent placeholders for dynamic content. In our context, these variables, set in, seamlessly integrate with the templates, rendering values like “Jinja Demo Site” and “Smarter page templates with Flask & Jinja.”

Bringing It All Together: Partials and Complete Rendered Pages

Completing the picture, the {% include ‘navigation.html’ %} directive seamlessly integrates the separate navigation.html into our page. This exemplifies the concept of partials, allowing modular components to be dropped into larger templates effortlessly.

Witnessing the rendered homepage in its entirety, we witness the amalgamation of layout structure, injected styles, dynamic content, and integrated partials, resulting in a fully realized, dynamic HTML page.

The Threshold of Jinja’s Potential

While we’ve ventured into the landscape of Jinja’s templating prowess, remember: this is merely a glimpse. Jinja’s capabilities span far beyond, enabling intricate web app construction. Our journey thus far forms a solid foundation, but Jinja’s depths are vast and ready for exploration.

This elucidates the intricate interplay between templates, inheritance, and dynamic content integration within the Jinja templating engine, setting the stage for deeper exploration of its capabilities.

Here are the code samples to illustrate the concepts discussed:



<!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>{{title}}</title> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="description" content="{{description}}"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico"> {% block css %}{% endblock %} </head> <body> {% include 'navigation.html' %} {% block content %}{% endblock %} </body> </html>

home.html (Single Block Example)


Copy code{% extends 'layout.html' %} {% block content %} <div class="container"> <h1>{{title}}</h1> <p>{{description}}</p> </div> {% endblock %}

home.html (Multiple Blocks Example)


{% extends 'layout.html' %} {% block css %} <link href="{{ url_for('static', filename='css/home.css') }}" rel="stylesheet"> {% endblock %} {% block content %} <div class="container"> <h1>{{title}}</h1> <p>{{description}}</p> </div> {% endblock %}

navigation.html (Partial Example)


<header> <nav> <a href="">Link 1</a> <a href="">Link 2</a> <a href="">Link 3</a> </nav> </header>

These code snippets demonstrate the interconnection between templates utilizing Jinja’s templating engine. The layout.html serves as the overarching structure, while home.html extends and integrates content into specific blocks. The navigation.html file showcases the usage of partials within templates.

Logic in Jinja

Jinja facilitates conditional logic within templates. Take, for instance, a simple if statement:


<div class="status"> {% if %} <p>Activated.</p> {% elif status.disabled %} <p>Disabled.</p> {% else %} <p>OH GOD WHAT IS THE STATUS?!</p> {% endif %} </div>

This example showcases how Jinja handles conditional statements. It’s akin to Python’s if-elif-else structure, allowing checks against various conditions like and status.disabled.

Looping Through Data in Jinja

Jinja’s capability to iterate over data structures, such as lists or dictionaries, enhances its versatility. For instance, in the Flask route:


@app.route('/') def home(): """Landing page.""" nav = [ {'name': 'Home', 'url': ''}, {'name': 'About', 'url': ''}, {'name': 'Pics', 'url': ''} ] return render_template( 'home.html', nav=nav, title="Jinja Demo Site", description="Smarter page templates with Flask & Jinja." )

Here, nav is a list of dictionaries passed to the Jinja template home.html. This data structure holds information for navigation links.

In navigation.html, Jinja employs a for loop to dynamically generate navigation links based on the contents of nav:


<header> <nav> {% for link in nav %} <a href="{{ link.url }}">{{ }}</a> {% endfor %} </nav> </header>

Through {% for link in nav %}, Jinja iterates through each dictionary in nav, accessing values like link.url and to dynamically create navigation elements. This iteration follows a similar syntax to Python’s for-loop structure, offering seamless integration of data within the template.

These examples showcase Jinja’s ability to execute conditional logic and iterate through data structures, empowering dynamic content generation within Flask templates.


Embracing Flask’s Jinja for rendering dynamic web pages unveils a realm of possibilities in web development. The mastery of layouts, pages, and partials empowers developers to architect intricate, data-driven websites efficiently.

As we conclude this journey through Jinja’s capabilities within Flask, remember: this is merely the tip of the iceberg. With conditional logic, loops, and deeper templating features, Jinja offers a vast landscape to explore. Harness its potential, elevate your Flask projects, and continue pushing the boundaries of web development innovation. You may also be interested in a quick guide to Flask Route.

With that, the article explores the fundamentals of rendering pages in Flask using Jinja2, illustrating how these components interplay to create dynamic, data-responsive web interfaces.